Information Technology Specialist

Edwin Molina was born and raised in Puerto Rico by Colombian parents. He was interested in a lot of things including but not limited to science, technology, and service. Edwin is a marine biologist by trade, however, while pursuing his master’s degree he began using and focusing on innovation and technology to help others.

Edwin has moved a lot in his lifetime due to family commitments, which opened his eyes and fed his passion for diverse communities and people. At every stop, Edwin would volunteer to serve a variety of community members. What led Edwin to his current role as an IT Specialist was his ability to use his technology background to support organizations that help others. He thrives as a person that wants to assist and facilitate service.

Edwin's happiness at Duke Rec & P.E. is rooted in his ability to explore different technologies while supporting the people and programs that make the student experience better. Edwin actively reaches out to many identity groups on campus, wanting to facilitate their participation in Rec & P.E. He dreams of one day establishing a digital recreation program at Duke.

A proud husband and father of four, Edwin enjoys gadgets, science fiction, esports, virtual reality, and anything related to innovation and technological breakthroughs.

As a technology innovator, Edwin’s ultimate goal is to help our staff, students, on-campus partners, and community organizations to overcome barriers in technology to achieve their personal and professional goals.

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